Mother in law syndrome

7:24 PM Posted by Unknown

One of my biggest fears as a mom of all boys is I will be "the dreaded mother in law". Sure, I am my son's mother but their wives might possibly think of me that way. I guess I heard too many stories (when I was pg) of these women going on and on how when they had their baby it was more then ok to have their mom there after the birth but never the mother in law. I "plan" on being a great MIL, but what if I have a dreadful daughter in law! Lord knows I didn't let my mom (or dad) influence who I married.

I love my sons beyond belief but I do mourn for the daughter I will never have. Is that silly? Do other moms of boys feel that way?

I feel like I will miss out on a lot of things. Daughters (usually) tell their moms their secrets and stories. When boys become men they don't tell mom their secrets anymore. However the way my boys talk (all the time, all day long) I am sure they will load me up with enough secrets during their childhood to last me a lifetime LOL.
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  1. Minxy Mimi said...

    I always worry about this, I will try to be an awesome MIL, but what if I get a controlling and not so nice DIL? I hope my boys are true Italian boys and love their mama forever!

  2. Celeste said...

    Having a daughter was my dream and it came too. I'm sure you'll be an awesome Mom and that bond you have will endure. I know some men who are still very close with their Mothers.

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