3 kids, 3 schools

12:20 PM Posted by Unknown

Finally all my kids will be in school this year. I now have a preschooler (Matthew), a kindergartner (A.J.) and an 8th grader (Alex). Now I just have to work around Matthew and A.J's schedule. A.J. will most likely ride the bus but he and Matthew have close to the same schedule since Kindergarten is a half day and I need to be there when he gets on and off the bus. It will be hectic in the morning here now being as there is only one very small bathroom in the RV.

Knowing Matthew I can only pray that boy doesn't get kicked out of preschool. He has a lot of learning to do to survive in a group of kids and not get his way.

Now it is time to school shop for three!! Wow, that is going to be expensive. Good thing I don't have three girls, that would really hurt the pocket book lol. Luckily school here doesn't start till the 25th of August so we have some time to get everything done and in order.

So at some point during the mornings, I will have a whole three or so hours to myself. What will I do? What will I do......? Oh that is right, I'll be here on the computer, however shopping sounds good too. Shopping without the kids? Not sure I remember how to do that. Practice time!!!!

Am I a bad mommy for not being sad my kids are growing and becoming more independent and my last one is starting preschool?? I tend to get sad when my kids won't kiss me in public anymore, ow well.
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  1. Celeste said...

    My daughter starts kindergarden this year. I'm excited for her but kind of sad for me. She's just growing up so fast.

    Enjoy your time to yourself. You deserve it. !

  2. Melody said...

    School shopping can get expensive even with three boys. I have a Junior in High School (that may be where the expensive part comes in), a second grader and a preschooler this year.

    The preschooler, who is three, actually didn't need to go but I really wanted the 3 hr time slots 3 days a week so I can clean my house in some peace. :)

    Have a good time shopping.

  3. Minxy Mimi said...

    I think growing up is exciting and sad too... Enjoy your shopping! You lucky woman!

  4. Leah said...

    Lucky you! I cannot wait until my kids are both in school so I can reg. go to the gym!

  5. Andrea said...

    Woo hoo for more freedom for mom!

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