4:48 PM Posted by Unknown

That would be the GNU image manipulation program. It is a free graphics/photo program I am trying to learn (for all of one day so far lol). I figure if I can master this "maybe" dh will buy me Photo Shop someday.

My mom uses Paint Shop Pro, I think I really should of paid attention when she was using that and learned a thing or two. But then again she was a graphics artist in her former life.

So far I am not getting very far with it. Either I am stupid or just not far enough in to "get" how to do it. I would like to start/learn how to do web page/blog designs and such. Also learn code and everything that goes along with it. I feel like I am not understanding the online tutorial for the program however.

There are a few books at the book store I can get but I am not sure if they would tell or explain more then the online tutorial. I may go and look and see what they have and how it compares to what I have read so far online. Besides it is hard reading the online tutorial and switching from that to the GIMP program and back and forth.

Wish me luck!!
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  1. Rachel said...

    I've used GIMP before. It's really easy once you get it. If your mom uses PSP, she'll be able to figure it out quickly. . . and then pass along tips to you!

  2. Minxy Mimi said...

    Good Luck Susan!!!
    I have no abilities in this dept either.

  3. AJ @ A Little Bit Nutty said...

    Good Luck! I'm sure you will get the hang of it. I just downloaded and am trying to figure it out. Maybe once I figure it out I will invest in something better.

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