Digital scrapbooking

5:12 PM Posted by Unknown

I am trying my hand of a bit of digital scrapbooking. I am in the process of learning my new Photo Shop Elements 6 program. Also perhaps thinking up some good "hand made" Christmas presents for the family.

This layout is nothing special, and pretty plain, but I was following a tutorial and this is what resulted.

The pic is of Matthew at the Phoenix zoo last summer. They had a hollow tree you could put your head through.

Scrapbooking for/with three boys isn't easy. I find these beautiful pink (any girly color) layouts and so want to use them but I doubt my boys would appreciate that lol.

I also need to start taking more pics of the boys. Can't do anything without some great and "new" pics. They just give me such a hard time about me taking their pics that most days it just isn't worth trying.

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  1. Andrea said...

    That is such a sweet picture Susan. You should check out my blog, there are links to free digi kit downloads and sites for downloads on there. I use Scrapbook Max, I think they have a free trial download on their site and then the program was only like $30, it is so easy to use and fun.

  2. ComfyMom~Stacey said...

    It is a very good beginning! I get most of my stuff these days from They don't do many freebies, though the designers do put stuff on their blog. Check out Shabby Princess, she has some awesome free stuff. Digital Freebies is a nice site too.

  3. Humanus said...

    Scrapbooking is exciting I guess. But to devote oneself to it, you should have a lot of spare time. It involves much. Still I would like to try.

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