Template hell

10:13 PM Posted by Unknown

I have been looking for a new template for my blog. However, the ones I liked the most were/are in a format that does not work here with Blogger. I have spent hours and hours and more hours on every website I could find trying to find just the right "look" for my site. I guess I didn't find it but I like this one well enough to live with it for awhile. For awhile there I thought I was going to have to learn to make my own template (yeah right!!!). If anyone ever reads my blog, let me know how it looks.
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  1. Tammy Warren said...

    Hey, your blog looks good. I go through the same thought process with my blog. I spend more time figuring out my header than I do blogging. Then I ask myself "WHAT FOR?". I ran across your blog on the momblogger.com site. It is great. I have a 13 year old boy and a 7 year old. Good-luck with the RV. I am sure you will love it.

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