Pedicure virgin

8:31 PM Posted by Unknown

That was me until today.

Last weekend I met a woman that is dating a friend of my dh. The four of us had breakfast together this morning then while the guys did what they needed to do we went shopping. We went to the mall and walked around, she bought us Starbucks and my kids corn dogs.

After the mall I needed to get some things at Walmart and she wanted to get her nails done. I went to get her at the nail salon they have there when I was done shopping and she says that I should get a pedicure. I was like maybe someday, blah, blah. Then she insist I get one and that she would pay for it. I said no and that she didn't need to do that for me. Well she insisted some more and I eventually relented. I don't have people paying my way for many things if ever, except maybe my mom if we are out and I am broke. It was really sweet she wanted to do this though. She also went and bought each of my sons a toy while I was getting my feet done!! That was really nice of her. I have only known her for a week but we are hitting it off good. I have no friends so it is a nice change. She doesn't live around here though. She lives in a town in AZ about three hours away. My dh's friend goes and gets her every weekend and brings her up here to Vegas so they can be together. She hates, hates driving so she won't drive up here herself I guess. It was just a really nice day.

As for the pedicure it was wonderful. I have yucky feet and have always wanted a pedicure but was always too embarrassed to get one LOL. I got my toes painted and all and I rarely ever wear polish on my toes. Hey now my feet look kinda good in my sandals.
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  1. Andrea said...

    Oooohhh a good pedicure is such a treat! My crispy critters are in need of one right now. Summer really takes a toll on the tootsies. I hope you are enjoying your freshly buffed feet!

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