The right decision??

9:43 AM Posted by Unknown

Do you ever know if the decisions you make are right? Maybe you know right at the moment you make it, or maybe only later you find out if it was the right decision or the wrong one. We are talking big decisions here, not the "what's for dinner" types.

Because of dh's work we are now full time RVers. It is hard for people who are not in our situation to understand it, especially my family. The kids and I were living in AZ and dh was here working in Vegas. We were apart for eight months. People wanted to know why he couldn't work in AZ? Well, for one there needed to be work in AZ. Yes, there are buildings and houses going up everywhere but that doesn't mean it's union work as dh can only work for a union. And well, the most important thing for dh is to be able to "support" his family of five. The difference between AZ and NV is the union here pays $17 MORE an hour then they do in AZ. Hmmmm, which would you pick??

So why don't we just get a house here in NV? At some point the job dh is on will end as all "contract" jobs do. Then we either hope there are only a few people on the union book so he can get right out on another job or we wait on unemployment. However there is usually work somewhere but more then likely it isn't where you are right now. That means dh leaves again (chasing the $$$) and me and the boys would be right where we were when we were in AZ. I would be playing the single mom while dh was working in another state. Which really sucks by the way.

By living in an RV there are no rental leases to try and get out of, packing, moving expenses and all those headaches. There are some things that really scare me though. What about the kids??? Are we doing a disservice to them by them possibly having to change schools every couple years? Is it the same as if we were military and moving around? Or is a bigger disservice to my sons not having their dad around when they need them? Now I have trivial fears too. We have to sell everything we own, our furniture, excess things that we as people have accumulated in our life. I am 40, I have accumulated a ton of shit!! But what happens years from now and we decide we have had enough and want to settle down in a house? It is hard to just set up shop and we wouldn't have any furniture and the things that are common place in a house. It takes time and MONEY to get all those things. The things that, like I said earlier accumulate over years.

I really tried to dissuade dh on our moving here and doing the RV thing. However, he is my dh, am I suppose to say no? I am not some mindless wife who does "what dh tells me to do" by any means. We have talked about this extensively, the pros, cons and everything in between. I just happened to fall in love and marry a man with, albeit a great paying job but a screwed up one at that.

The RV we are looking to buy is really nice. Sure it is way smaller then a house but the boys would have their own bedrooms. A.J. and Matthew would share a room as they would be doing in a house and Alex our teenager would have his own room, as he would in a house also. We would have our own bedroom as we would in a house. If we wanted to go on vacation we wouldn't need the expense of a hotel and such. We can just hook up the house/RV and go. How easy is that?

Right decision? Wrong decision? I guess only time will tell.
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  1. Racheal Miles said...

    Hi, I just found your blog and I think that what you are doing is a brilliant idea.

    I wanted to live in an RV but my husband didn't want to.

    We have now moved to France and I have settled down.

    I am looking forward to reading about how your get on.

    Good luck

  2. MMJ said...

    We have friends that have done exactly the same....union as well. DH is union and I wouldn't mind doing the same, but he's tied to his son here in Jacksonville. Maybe we can do so after he's older.

    Good luck with everything!!

  3. Jennifer said...

    My husband and I are seriously thinking about RVing full time with our 3 kids. I homeschool my children so schools wouldn't be a problem. It sounds like so much fun.

  4. Melissa, Multi-Tasking Mama said...

    What an idea! My dh is a union electrician and he has to commute over 90 miles to a typical job but like you said- the $$ can't be beat. I don't know if I could do what you are doing but I am curious to see how it goes for you and will be praying- definitely keep the pedicure thing a standing appointment for your sanity :-)

  5. Elizabeth Channel said...

    I think what you are doing is wise, given the state of the economy, et al. Plus the freedom--think of it! I firmly believe your sweet boys need their daddy much, much more than they need some house or apartment...they will remember their father, not their house...

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