"The Good Wife"

8:46 AM Posted by Unknown

No, I am not talking about me (just ask my husband) LOL.  I am talking about one of many new season premieres coming to CBS this fall.

I love fall for one reason only, and that is all the new television shows coming out.  I really am a television hound. I want to let you, my readers, know about one new show called "The Good Wife"   "It is a drama starring Emmy Award winner Julianna Margulies as a wife and mother who must assume full responsibility for her family and re-enter the workforce after her husband's (Chris Noth) very public sex and political corruption scandal lands him in jail.  Pushing aside the betrayal and crushing public humiliation caused by her husband Peter (Chris Noth), Alicia Florrick (Margulies) starts over by pursuing her original career as a defense attorney.  Gaining confidence every day, Alicia transforms herself from embarrassed politician's scorned wife to resilient career woman, especially for the sake of providing a stable home for her children.  For the first time in years, Alicia trades in her identity as the "good wife" and takes charge of her own destiny."

This show's topic seems to be ripped from the headlines these days. A politician, a scandal and the wife by his side left to pick up the pieces.  Granted the show is pure fiction but I think a show about a wife/mother's life  in the shadow of a husband/fathers's very public scandal will make for some very intriguing viewing.

Please join me on Tuesday, September 22nd at 10pm ET/9pm CT for "The Good Wife" on CBS.  I would love to know what you thought of the series premiere so please come back here after the show and post your comments and opinions.

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  1. GiraffeGal213 said...

    I really want to watch this show too! I can't wait. Looks great. Hubby isn't so enthused so it might end up being one of those shows I DVR and watch while my guys are at hockey practice LOL

  2. Susan said...

    I have been waiting to watch this show... It should be GOOD...:-)

    ~ Susan


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