I'm leaving....on a jet plane!

10:38 AM Posted by Unknown

I am going back to Arizona for 10 day to see my family!!  I have a couple reasons to go back other than the usual casual visit.

First is that one of my grandmas is in the hospital.  She has congestive heart failure and dementia.  It seems that the dementia came on really quickly.  I mean she had moments and times where she was confused, but lately she is way more confused most of the time then some of the time.  I have no idea how long she will be in the hospital.  She does qualify for hospice though so she will be able to go home and have caregivers come in to help care for her.  Beyond that I am not sure of her prognosis.

My next reason for going home right now are 2 things that are good.  First off dh is going to Maryland for 8 to 12 weeks for a really good overtime job.  The job starts the 28th of September.  And my sister is due to have her baby any day now!!  If I don't go now I won't be able to go again till after Christmas (since dh will be gone and I can't take the kids out of school) and I don't want to wait till my first niece is like 4 months old till I see here for the first time.  I think I am more excited then my sister.  But then this is one little baby I don't have to deliver so whats not to be excited about? lol  I can't wait to post pics.  Since I have all boys, this is going to be one spoiled little girl.

Now for the awesome part of all this.  I am leaving dh alone with our 3 kids for the 10 days I will be gone.  He has never been alone with the kids for that long.  Of course, he will say when it is all over what a piece of cake it was.  However he really has no idea of all the little things I take care of that he never even has to think about.  I sure wish I could be a fly on the wall to watch it all  lol.

I leave in 4 days (just bought my tickets yesterday) and I have so much to do before then.  Being a holiday weekend doesn't help either.  I have to go get Alex new glasses.  Plus I need to schedule a Dr appoint for him to get a sports physical (he wants to play tennis).  We don't have a Dr here in TX yet, so seeing as it will need to be a "new patient appointment" I honestly don't see him getting an appointment real quick.  So dh will have to take him to that.  Then Tuesday is A.J's 6th birthday.  Wow, I almost can't believe it.  I haven''t started shopping for that yet, so that will need to be done this weekend also.  Dh is gone all day today helping someone with some electrical work.  He has our only car so I am stuck here not getting anything done.  Maybe I'll get lucky and he won't take all day.

While you are here, don't forget you can enter my G.E. appliance giveaway DAILY!!  Just check out my right sidebar and enter.

A little update:  I just talked to my mom.  My grandma's Kidneys are failing and they are moving her to hospice, perhaps today so they can make her comfortable.  She is not aware of what is going on and seems to be in a really happy place in her mind so that is good.   My mom thinks she may not even make it till I come home.

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  1. lisa said...

    Oh Susan I hope you are able to get there in time. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts. So cool that you might be home to see your nieces be born. It is always more exciting when it is not you going through the labour. Hope overall you have a good trip ,

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