Stressful day

7:08 PM Posted by Unknown

Today kinda sucked. I had to register my 4 and 5 yr old for school. If I have to fill out 60 pages of paperwork to register 3 kids every year since we keep moving I may just hang myself. It is dreadful all the things they make you fill out and sign. I had the kids with me and the minute we got there they started whining. "I am hungry, I am gonna die, I am going to throw up if I don't eat, I am freezing, can we go home." And they wouldn't stop for anything.

I find out that since the time they were in school last year they needed some vaccinations. A.J needs one and poor Matthew needs four! We don't have a Dr here and since a new patient office call for 2 kids would cost more then it was worth we went to the health department. OMG... There must of been 100 people waiting for shots. No lie. We would've been in line for 6 months had we stayed. We left and decided that dh would take the kids and be there tomorrow at around 6:30am for their 7:30am opening time. The schools registration is only till 11:00am so he can't sit around there all day.

Then I had to go get the kids some more school clothes. Their school shirts need to be plain, but I thought a plain shirt could at least have a stripe on it. Well it can't....blah

So tomorrow we start over and hopefully it will be more productive then today.

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