10 things you may/may not know about me

8:33 PM Posted by Unknown

1. I was born in Yokosuka Japan. (My dad was in the Navy at the time)

2. I spent just over 7 years in the Air Force working as a Jet Engine Mechanic.

3. I was featured in a book about Bitburg Air Base in Germany. The caption was that I was one of the ever increasing number of female technicians employed by the USAF. Ironically however I was the ONLY female in the entire book.

4. I am very shy which usually leads people to believe I am "stuck up" (which I am not btw).

5. I was an extra in a movie in Germany which starred Jennifer Beals.

6. I am a perfectionist and overly critical of myself.

7. When I am under stress I get little blisters either on my feet, hands or both.

8. I would rather wear my glasses then contacts.

9. I constantly pick at the cuticles on my fingers.

10. I used to have my eyebrow pierced.  That lasted about a month lol.

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  1. LilBoo said...

    I knew them all besides the part of you being the only girl in the book lol

  2. The OmniCouple said...

    What a neat post! I too would rather wear my glasses than contacts.

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