Wordless Wednesday

9:23 PM Posted by Unknown

What Happened To My Bed??

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  1. ~*~ Melissa ~*~ said...

    That's how my bed looks half the time!

  2. The OmniCouple said...

    Haha. Silly sleepy boys.

    This reminds me of a WW I did not too long ago. But my bed was covered by our four pet children.

    Happy WW! Mine is at : http://ordinaryandawesome.blogspot.com/search/label/WW

  3. Rob said...

    looks like you got the boot. LOL

  4. Secret Mom Thoughts said...


  5. Amber said...

    That's what our bed looks like...except there isn't any room for daddy. :P

  6. As They Grow Up said...

    LOL..that's cute

  7. *Just Jen* said...

    Too cute! Happy WW!

  8. Gena said...

    That almost looks like my bed but with girls!

  9. Totally_Toni said...

    LOL Susan that's sweet

  10. Diana - FreeStyleMama said...


  11. One Mom said...

    Ha! Just noticed the puppy on your pillow! You're definitely outnumbered!

  12. Christine said...

    So does this mean you are kicked to the couch? How funny

  13. simply_unique said...

    Aww cute

  14. Just Jenn said...

    Cute! Thats how our bed looks sometimes but mama needs her space so they are kickedout regularly.

  15. Karen said...

    Love how the dog had to make sure to claim some space too!

  16. Grampy said...

    Doesn't look good. Replaced by a dog.(GRIN)
    Stop by my wife's new blog. http://grandmothersdollhouse.com

  17. Sue said...

    No room for Mom, I guess. That is a riot! I love the title of the post.

    Happy WW

  18. Melanie said...

    I think we all can attest to this pic! ha ha

  19. Staci said...

    They're so cute! Don't you hate when you're the one to get kicked out of bed?

  20. Marianna said...

    LOL, I just noticed the doggie on the pillow too, that's great!

  21. Momstart said...

    even the dog has your spot, I love it

  22. Guest said...

    The boys took it over!!! LOL, cute picture Susan!

  23. Joy said...

    Your bed looks like it was taken over by snuggle bunnies.

    Happy WW!

  24. DJ said...

    Looks like it's being put to good use!

  25. The Mud Bug said...

    Looks alot like my bed as well, lol.


  26. Kimmie said...

    Cute...my two youngest do that at our house. lol

    My Wordless Wednesday

  27. Maria@Conversations with Moms said...

    I can totally relate. My bed has never felt so small.

  28. Izzy 'N Emmy said...

    Too cute!! I bet hubby is really happy about making an appearance on the blog! lol!!!

    My bed looks like that most mornings as well.

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