Can I call in sick?

8:26 PM Posted by Unknown

to my life?? We have so much to do to get ready to move into the RV. I don't even want to think about it let alone do any of it.

Everything we own really (except what will fit in the RV, which is pretty much necessities only) needs to be gone through and either sold, trashed or set on fire lol. This is going to suck because for one I am a pack rat. I still have a few boxes of things that used to hang on my bulletin board when I was in Jr high. I never look at any of it but just the fact that those things are like 25-30 years old keeps me clinging to them.

We have things we haven't seen in years. When I do go through boxes it is like Christmas all over again. I am like "Wow, how cool, I remember that!!" In which case I again just can't throw it away *sigh*.

Also I am very bad with clutter in that I get overwhelmed with it and have no idea where to start. I just take one look at it and make up some excuse why I should be on the computer or cleaning the toilet. Anything to not have to deal with all the things I need to do between now and the 23rd of May. My dream would be to grab what we needed and then set the house on fire. Out of sight, out of mind. If I don't see it I am not going to miss it.

Just imagine taking a 4 bedroom house with a family of 5 living in it and scaling it down to the size of a studio apartment. It reminds me of the George Carling routine he used to do about "stuff". If you have never heard it before it is really funny and you can find it on Youtube.

If anyone wants to volunteer to help I'll provide the beer and pizza!!

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  1. ~*~ Melissa ~*~ said...

    I coulnd't imagine having to get rid of all my stuff! I would LOVE to come and help for beer and pizza, but I am just too far away. Good luck getting everything done!

  2. ~Chel~ said...

    Aww man!!! Are you still living here?! If you need help and your here, I can help!!! I can't remember if you are back! LMAO!

  3. The OmniCouple said...

    Sounds frustrating. My fiance and I moved to Arkansas after having to evucuate from the Gulf Coast due to Katrina and then Rita. We had to start all over and lost most everything. The things we didn't lose, we just left behind. I was devastated. Now, there is nothing I miss or that I couldn't live without. I took used to keep things and was a pack rat. So, from an ex pack rat to another it will hurt to not have it for a while. Then, it just goes away. I wish you so much luck with the difficut transition.

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