It's all American

3:18 AM Posted by Unknown

Yes it is, all American from here. My dh is a union worker and the worse the economy gets the more American he gets. Meaning he is now determined to buy ONLY American made products. Now I have no problem with this. It is just a fact, and sad to say I might add, that American made products are not the easiest to find.

I agree that buying American is the way to go but I agree it is going to be kinda challenging. No more buying that cute shirt from the local Walmart. In fact dh swore off Walmart a long time ago seeing as they don't build their stores with union contractors.

Our economy needs us. Can we make a difference? I have no idea but I do know every little bit helps. Of course it is not like the products made by companies who out source to other countries are ever going to bring their business back here seeing as it is cheaper to make things overseas. But who knows, stranger things have happened.

Maybe we all should buy American. It takes change in how we do things and attitude. I think it is the same as going "green". Whether it be protecting our planet or protecting our interests isn't it something we should all at least "try" to do?

I would love to hear your thoughts on buying American?

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  1. ~Chel~ said...

    Well, if you need help girl--just let me know! What happened to Vegas? When did you move back here? Where are you going to be headed? Whereever they need dh? Let me know if you need help, I'm off on the weekends! :P

  2. Michelle said...

    It's a good plan, if you can do it!

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