Holes everywhere

11:20 AM Posted by Unknown

You would think we bought a house, not an RV. Dh is doing some renovating on a new RV, what is up with that? He has put a hole in the ceiling for another A/C vent. There was only one vent in the living/dinning/kitchen area and this will provide more are air to where we sit to watch TV. Really for the most part considering we are in TX this RV is wonderful for keeping us cool.

He is also putting a hole in the ceiling for a ceiling fan. Gotta love circulation especially when your living in a confined space. So we will get a small one and since we have 9 foot ceilings we won't have to worry about getting our heads chopped off by it. (Bought the fan tonight, pictured above).

Dh has also put a couple holes in the side of the cabinet for new outlets. When they built this RV they really didn't have a clue as to where people needed to plug things in. But now our coffee pot will be able to have its very own outlet and not have to worry about the cord that is attached to an extension cord dragging halfway over the counter top and always in the way.

These RVs are made (essentially anyway) to vacation in, so a whole set of issues arise when you plan to move your entire life into one. We are not the first to do it, nor will we be the last but everybody's needs are different. We are learning as we go, what works, and what doesn't for us.

In only three days my oldest son Alex comes back from his summer away. He hasn't even see the RV yet. This in itself will bring on a whole new set of challenges. Our confined space will be even more confined. And I am sure the younger boys are going to drive their older brother crazy. I think as a teenager he will have the most adjusting to do.

But wait, I was talking about dh putting holes in the walls, ceilings etc... I got a bit sidetracked. So far so good, he hasn't screwed anything up or made a hole that doesn't belong. I am sure he will think of plenty to do here to make things "better". However everytime he does I get nervous about it.

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  1. auntrene said...

    Thats funny, My brother in law came over last night to visit.. Carrying a DRill!!! what.. he did a great job. Put up a Bulletin Board I had laying around and a couple of other things.
    On the way out the door he said call me if you have anything that needs a hole put in it!!!
    Its great to have Handy man in your life!
    Have a great day!

  2. Melinda said...

    you've got to be SOOOO organinzed. We spent vaca in a camper and the lack of storage drove me nutso!

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