Wordless Wednesday

7:02 PM Posted by Unknown

Lets go fly a kite!

Dh trying to untangle the kite after he crashed it.

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  1. Simply Being Mommy said...

    So fun! My kiddos love flying kites.

  2. Staci said...

    Oh no! Getting stuck is the worst part. Looks like fun up til then though!

  3. Christy aka The Write Gal said...

    That looks like great fun! Happy WW Susan!!

  4. Laurie said...

    Uh oh...hope they got their kite back!

  5. Marianna said...


  6. Rhea@mommy23monkeys said...

    We love our kites. Looks like a good day for flying.

  7. Cindi @ Moomette's Magnificents said...

    We did some kite flying too while camping! But I want an RV! Looks like fun!
    Happy WW & mine's posted too!
    Ye Olde Ice Cream Shoppe

  8. Lisa Mom of 2 Boys said...

    We have the worst luck with kites, great pics!

  9. Misadventurous Mommy said...

    Looks like a lot of fun! We haven't done that forever!

  10. Sarah said...

    I don't remember the last time I flew a kite - have to do that, my son would love it!

  11. Louise said...

    What a great way to spend a day !

    Too bad it got tangled up.

  12. Cheryl said...

    Looks like fun! Too bad it crashed. :) Hope it's good now!

  13. The Mud Bug said...

    I bought my kids a nice new kite but haven't been able to use it yet. Someday, lol. I love kites. Happy WW!


  14. The OmniCouple said...

    Happy WW!

  15. Brandy said...

    Lovely pics! looks like a great day to fly a kite! Happy WW

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