Wordless Wednesday

8:00 PM Posted by Unknown

How would you like to have that name??

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  1. Simply Being Mommy said...

    OMGosh that is hilarious. It took me a minute but I finally got it.

    Happy WW!

  2. GMom @ A Mom Is A Job said...

    Ok I totally didn't get it either at first. I had to look again and NOW...I got it!!! Too freakin' funny! That one goes well with my WW post huh? Maybe she's the owner of the company. LMAO!

  3. Marianna said...

    LMAO that is great!

  4. Staci said...

    It's been a long day, and I just don't get it. I'll admit to being a little slow by this point in the day. But I'm sure it's a good one.

  5. Christy aka The Write Gal said...

    It took me a minute but I finally got it. That is so hysterical. Happy WW!

  6. Misadventurous Mommy said...

    That is too funny! Happy WW!

  7. Cindi @ Moomette's Magnificents said...

    Certainly unique!
    Happy WW & mine's posted too!

  8. Amanda said...

    Makes you wonder if that's a real name.

  9. Bridgette said...

    OMG, no way!!

  10. Kitty | CouponDivas.com said...

    What a riot! I was like wow you won - then I read the comments. What an airhead I am.

  11. tiff snedaker said...

    ROTFL. Depends on how much they won. You could always change your name :)


  12. Gena said...

    LMAO I love it!

  13. Whitney said...

    I didn't get it until I read the first comment. Poor chick! That would be bad. I hope she married into that name and that no parent would name their child that!

  14. Eve @ Confessions of a Housewife said...

    lol, too funny- great find!!

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