Ahh, the people ya meet.

2:06 PM Posted by Unknown

One thing about living in an RV park is ya meet a lot of people. I have met more people here in two weeks then I ever met in my neighborhood in Arizona. It is summer, and people are out in the park and everyone waves as they pass/drive by or stop and talk.

There are different types of people here. There are those who are older who do the RV "thing" and you have the quiet couples our age. Then you have the partiers who get together on the weekends and down a few beers (that's us lol). In that group you have a few (as I may call them) dirty old men. Nice men who live here. But no matter when you see them your never sure if they are sober. They talk your ear off and tell you their life story. They do odd jobs to get by and just like to have fun most of all.

You have the girl, one in particular who is a single mom like 34yrs old but acts like she is 20. Swears she is a good girl who just likes to party but then follows your dh into the camper and tries to man handle him. It was my dh but I just had to laugh because I trust my dh implicitly. But I do tend to get jealous now and again.

There are those who live here for one reason or another. That I know of, one sold their house and a new one is being built, been here for two months now. Another is trying to sell their house. Easier to stay here and keep their house spic and span for perspective buyers. Some are here "just because". Some are vacationing or like us just passing through.

My boys have made friends here and love to go to the park and to the pool. One of my son's little friends says he is from Florida and that his daddy was a Dr who was killed in the war. I don't know any more then that.

Most of us here have some type of pet. There are always people out walking their dogs while my two dogs like to bark at them. The couple next door to us have two big dogs and a cat that got out yesterday that has yet to return home and they have as of yet to find. The cat is 9 yrs old and I can relate as my cat of the same age escaped last summer while we were in Vegas. Luckily mine came back 24 hours later. I hope they find their cat soon.

In about one week from now we are headed down the road to another RV park for quite an event that is taking place. I will fill everyone in on it as the time to that event get closer.
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