We have officially flipped our lid.

8:57 AM Posted by Unknown

At least that is what your gonna think! Just let me say we have researched this long and hard.

First things first. It seems we have bought one heck of a big fifth wheel toy hauler. It has 3 axles and is just shy of 42 feet long. That means that an F-450 truck just won't cut it and neither will most other trucks in the same class. What we need is a commercial truck. How insane is that?

We finally found one in our price range and it will do the job like no other.

Hopefully we can run up to Vegas next Wednesday or sooner to get it. The owner *said* he would hold it for us and I hope he does.

Here is one of the cool parts too. It has 5 leather captains chairs in the cab and since there are 5 of us it will work out perfectly. I am not too keen on the green but hey, we all have to make sacrifices lol.

So, when it is all said and done this is what we will look like towing our vehicle down the road. I hope there is enough room for us in those RV parks lol

Now to answer all your burning questions.... No, you do not need a CDL to drive one of these truck. Why you ask? Ok, maybe you could care less but you came here to learn right? This particular truck started out as a 2 axle semi tracker but it has since been cut down to a single axle and converted to something that will tow an RV. Single axle means you do not need a CDL, provided the truck does not weigh more then 26,000 lbs.

Now a tid bit about me. I used to have a CDL (I dropped it when I got my AZ license). Anyway I have driven a semi with a 53 foot trailer across this country over every mountain range in the U.S. However I will probably let dh do all the driving of our fifth wheel but if push come to shove I can drive it. And I should say it was fun as heck driving a semi. I loved being the biggest thing on the road. Of course I hating the parking part of it and ultimately that is why I don't do it any more.

P.S. I got a molar pulled the other day. My face is swollen and I am still in pain and on meds etc... So if I sound a little out of it, please forgive me. And the really fun part is, in less then 2 weeks I get to go get another molar pulled on the opposite side of my mouth.

P.S.S. Have I mentioned lately we leave AZ in less then a month and I haven't even started going through anything in the house yet to get ready for this move? *JUST SHOOT ME!!!*

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  1. ~*~ Melissa ~*~ said...

    That is one big truck! Sounds like you've got alot of work cut out for you within the next month! Good luck :)

  2. Rob said...

    That is one crazy truck. I can't believe you need something so big. Do you have a car to get aound town?

  3. Melinda said...

    we were looking at trailers that big for a vacation spot but I could not imagine towing it LOL
    that truck in HUGE, there is no way i'd be confident enough to drive it, I probably wouldn't be able to see over the steering wheel.

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