Parents magazine Cutest Cover Contest.

7:35 PM Posted by Unknown

I belong to several mommy message boards and visit mom blogs all day and it is a fact that there are some really cute kids out there. Us proud moms are always posting pics of our little darlings. Now we have a chance to get them on the cover of Parents Magazine.

You are allowed to upload up to six photos for the Parents Magazine cover contest. This year Parents has two age categories for entries: Parents Magazine Cover Contest (3 mos - 2 yrs) and Parents Magazine Cover Contest (2 - 6 yrs). The two cutest kid winners will appear on the dual cover of the November 2009 issue.

Once photos are uploaded, you can use a template to create your own Parents magazine cover featuring your own cute child. When you enter you will automatically be entered into the parents magazine $10,000 cover kid sweepstakes!!

Also, tune in to the Bonnie Hunt show starting Friday for a chance of possibly seeing your little cutie on TV!!

The deadline for entries is June 24.

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