My dental issues rant!

11:32 PM Posted by Unknown

I could rant about my dental issues enough to write a freaking book. I have dreadful teeth. They look great to the naked eye. They are nice and straight and I have a very pretty smile (so I have been told a thousand times)

But get to the nitty gritty of my teeth and they suck. And they have and will continue to suck every dollar from my bank account. I mean certain dental conditions can cause heart disease and what not, but there isn't a dentist alive that will take payments. Whatever. But that really isn't my rant for today. at least not directly....

I have 2 teeth that have major issues. One is totally broken in half and now needs a root canal. There is not enough left of the tooth to be able to put a cap on so I would need a bridge (only 2x as expensive).

The other one had a root canal and cap put on it back when I was in high school. Now I did not know that root canals that were done over 20+ years ago weren't made, or rarely lasted forever. I thought that once it was done, it was done. Yeah, not so. This one get infected and needs a "retreat", basically a second root canal (as if the first one wasn't bad enough). Did I fail to mention that the cap on that tooth just fell out tonight??

But I did not have the $1000 for that retreat. Which I found out I needed a year and a half ago. Instead I spent $2000 on a bridge that was needed for another tooth that had also broke in two (give me a break).

So, now it boils down to this. I get to pay $300 (great price) to get two teeth EXTRACTED! (not so great). Ohhh, and the best part? They are both molars, on the bottom and one on each side (see diagram below)

And they will do them at the same time. Well hell, that's one way to loose a few pounds lol. It is funny, to look at that diagram. It looks like there are still a lot of teeth on the bottom for chewing. But when you try to chew without using your molars it just doesn't work that well. I know because I have been trying. The broke one hurts if anything touches it, hence the need for the root canal. And the other one I was trying to avoid since the cap was getting looser all the time (that didn't work huh?)

I have found that pretty teeth does not mean healthy teeth, no matter how much you brush and floss. It is in my genes because I have the same teeth as my mom. Thanks mom, love you tooooooo.......

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  1. LilBoo said...

    Well don't worry sis, I got mom's teeth too! So thanks mom also =) We will all end up with dentures haha

  2. Michelle said...

    Oh no! I hate going to the dentist, it is soo expensive!

  3. Lisa said...

    I can totally related with you , im in process of getting all my teeth fixed and Im seriously debating on having all the suckers pulled out ! Just to much money every time I turn around !

  4. Cat@3KidsandUs said...

    I feel your pain, literally. I have about $3000 worth of dental work that needs done plus the $800 for anesthesia they will charge per visit because I have dentist anxiety issues. Thanks to their prices to fix things I'm gonna be in dentures before I'm 30 because extractions are the only thing that's affordable these days.

    Mom always said "marry a doctor"..maybe we should have married dentists. lol

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