The good, bad and ugly

11:00 PM Posted by Unknown

Wow, where do I even start? It has been one of those weeks. To start things off my 2 youngest boys get the stomach flu for the SECOND time since January. Now seriously, what is that about? A.J. gets it first followed by Matthew so about 4 days of all the lovely things that go along with it. Meanwhile I am just praying it doesn't hit me like it did last time they had it (so far, so good).

Next on the list of goodies are the possessed smoke detectors in our house (we rent). They have taken over. They go off at all hours of the day and night at will. They are electrically wired with battery back-ups. When one goes off they ALL go off. They are loud, high pitched, obnoxious and they are lucky to still be "living", so to speak. There is no smoke, no fire, no reason for them to go off. Maybe a short?? Who knows. Could I do something about it? Yeah, if I could reach the 10 foot ceilings they are attached to. Last night they were going off (on and off) from 1 a.m. till 7 a.m. They may go off for a minute or two, or 10, 20 minutes. It is like some bad head of household competition on Big Brother.

Tomorrow Alex is going to work on his latest video. When this gets done you will want to come back here and see it. His latest effect he is trying for is getting shot and having the "life like" blood splatter thing going on. Gotta love what $20 of pieces, parts,(he had to build the equipment to make the blood spatter) corn syrup and red food coloring can do.

We have also had our share of bad news this week also. We found out Sunday that my MIL has breast cancer. She needs surgery and 5 weeks of radiation. We hope it has not spread to any lymph nodes. If they get all the cancer out with surgery her prognosis is good from what I understand.

Also my future brother in laws grandma is dying. He lost his father 2 years ago and his younger 32 yr old brother to cancer in January and now the grandma who raised him is not going to make it, maybe not even through tonight. He really needs to catch a break. I cannot imagine that much loss.

On to better things. My blog has been linked from Parents
I think that is so cool, for me, a small time blogger. Whoo Hoo!!!

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  1. LilBoo said...

    HAHA! Sorry gotta laugh at the smoke detectors!

    Miguel's grandma died this morning. She had a few heart attacks through out the night. Hope Miguel finally gets his break now.

    Hope everything works out with Wendy.

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