Alex's Gunshot Test

6:48 PM Posted by Unknown

My oldest son is an aspiring film maker. He has done some pretty cool things in his short life. Now he is getting into sound effects. Am I a bad mom because I am the one shooting him in this video and I don't mean with the camera? Well anyway, the sound effects had me laughing. And my son is weird.

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  1. Mommy Cracked said...

    LOL!! That is hysterical! And someday when he is famous he will thank his mom for shooting his brains out all those years ago!!! LOL!

  2. Bee and Rose said...

    How the heck did he do those sound effects???? That was cool! My sound was totally impressed! You have a budding filmaker there for sure!

  3. eetomost said...

    I'm laughing at that cat or was that a dog, he was like, what the HECK is going on????


  4. Kristin said...


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