I got a NEW laptop!!!

1:00 PM Posted by Unknown

Whoo hoo!!!! and then some. I am one happy camper (so to speak lol).

We are talking full keyboard, 17" screen, better graphics card, and much more memory and storage then my old one. The 38 reviews on Bestbuy were excellent also. The keyboard/case is in a bronze/chrome color instead of the usual black/silver of most laptops and looks cool.

This is what I had wanted for Christmas but dh said no way. He should've just gotten it for me rather then the super expensive video camera he bought for himself. I am so over that.....now lol.

I have blog designs to do and I am hoping I can see a big difference in my graphics and the whole processor speed with doing it. My other laptop was so, so, so slow using my Photoshop Elements.

Wish me FUN!!!!

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  1. Cat@3KidsandUs said...

    very cool! congrats.

  2. Melinda said...

    looks like the one we just got LOL

  3. Bee and Rose said...

    Lucky girl! I have a 17" screen and LOVE it! You will love this 'puter!

  4. Minxy Mimi said...

    Lucky you!

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