Busy, busy girl

8:33 AM Posted by Unknown

That is what I have been. Last week was filled with appointments for the kids (school(for A.J.'s and Matthew's speech), art class, touring the high school). Dh left for Colorado on Tuesday. Then my sister headed to Michigan on Friday. I am still in the process of moving my things into the master bedroom. Everyone left me WHAaaaaaHH

I had a couple of Designs to do this weekend. Even though I do them on the computer I find that the designing is all I do. All my blogging falls to the wayside. Bad me!

The first design I did was for Melinda at Look What Mom Found I had something happen when designing hers that had never happened to me before. When the margins looked good in FireFox, they were totally off in Explorer and visa versa. Now I have NEVER had an issue with this before and it is totally frustrating me to no end. I am wondering if it is a FireFox issue seeing as since I got my new laptop I downloaded the latest version of it and prior to that it was not an issue.

I also did another design but that is not installed yet so I will wait to show you that one.

HA! and if you haven't noticed, I redid my blog a bit. I haven't decided what I think about it yet. It does have a sleeker look to it. I just hate change lol.

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  1. LilBoo said...

    Sorry I left you =) You will just have to hurry up and visit. Love ya

  2. Minxy Mimi said...

    Looks great!!!
    you always do a great job!

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