Sick Day Guidelines (should my child go to school today?)

10:39 AM Posted by Unknown

Do you ever wonder when your child doesn't feel well and if they are actually sick enough to keep home? I know, sometimes it is totally obvious, but other times your just not sure. I know with 3 boys I have had to make this decision many times. I have called my mom asking her, should I, shouldn't I send one of them to school? I mean she is a mom, my mom she has all the answers right? It is never that easy however.

I would like to pass on some information to all my readers. Triaminic in association with the National Association of School Nurses (NASN) has come up with "Sick Day Guidelines". These Guidelines are aimed at helping parents decide when to keep their kids at home, or send them off to school.

One thing I like about Triaminic is their Thin Strips. They are a safe and convenient way to help ease my child’s cough and cold symptoms. Each strip provides a pre-measured dose of medicine that dissolves quickly on the tongue, so I know my boys are receiving the intended dose, every time (for ages four and older. Remember that it is important to always read and follow medicine labels exactly.) .

The Triaminic Sick Days site also has information on how to help your child feel better and things to do to help prevent your child from getting a cold. This time of year especially this is good info to know and have on hand.

On the Triamic website you can also download a coupon to save $1.50 off a box of the Triaminic Thin Strips. I know for me I always like to have cold meds on hand when the need arises.

I am going to print this info out and put it up on my refrigerator. For those of you who know moms that may not frequent the blog world I am sure they would find this information very useful too, so spread the word.

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  1. Trisha said...

    I left you a little something on my blog...

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