It's a PUPPY!!!!!!!!

8:28 PM Posted by Unknown

I would like you all to meet LUCKY!

This is our new puppy we got Sunday night. He is almost 7 weeks old and at his first vet appt last Monday he weighed in at 2.5 lbs. I am not %100 sure of his breed. His mom was either a mini schnauzer or a mini schnauzer mix. Not sure what his dad is but from his looks I am guessing Chihuahua. All I know is that he is just the cutest little dog EVER.
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  1. Minxy Mimi said...

    OMG!!! He is adorable!

  2. MMJ said...

    Sooooooooooo cute!!

  3. Anonymous said...

    very cute!

  4. Jess @MCC said...

    He's a cutie!!! Love him already. hehehe

  5. Debateur said...

    He's adorable.

  6. tcalamity said...


  7. said...

    We got a black Lab when he was a puppy.

    Good luck. And be patient!

  8. Groomer Angie said...

    AAWWWWW!! He's adorable!!!

  9. Moriah said...

    SO SO SO SO CUTE! I am jealous he is seriously the type of pup I want! Awww you are LUCKY to have Lucky for sure. How is it going?

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