I am going to be a AUNTIE

5:07 AM Posted by Unknown

My 27 yr old sister is pregnant with her first baby. I am so excited!!!

Here is some crazy trivia..... I am 14 years older then my sister, she is 14 years older then my oldest son, and he will be 14 years older then her baby (his new cousin).

In a month or less she will be moving back to Michigan so I will essentially miss the pregnancy part. Also she is due in September which for our family isn't the best thing. It seems ALL of our birthdays are in Sept. It becomes a second Christmas around here lol.

I sure hope that after me having 3 boys that I get a niece. I NEED to buy pink baby things.

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  1. Bee and Rose said...

    Congratulations Susan!

    The month of financial doom for my family is May. I hate that month!!!

    Here's wishing for pink!

  2. iampregnant35 said...

    congratuation to her

  3. Totally_Toni said...

    Congratulations Susan

  4. Elizabeth said...

    How great! I LOVE being an Auntie!
    Here's something interesting...I have a friend with 3 children, all 7 years apart TO THE MONTH!

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