Dh is coming home!

9:18 AM Posted by Unknown

For anyone who doesn't know, dh works out of state. He is a union electrician and travels where the work is (overtime work, more money etc...) So except for the 6 weeks we all moved to Vegas we haven't actually lived together for over a year. This time he has been in Texas since September.

Now he is on his way home, stopping in Colorado and New Mexico to sign the books at several union halls. Then he and I are heading to Vegas to get his unemployment and so he can sign the books there too. We have no idea how long he will be home this time around. Could be a few weeks or a couple months.

We are all really excited he will be home for a bit. The kids miss their dad and so do I (duh lol). He gets to meet our new puppy for the first time too. In fact I told him when we go to Vegas to do his stuff that we have to take the puppy with us lol. Well he can't stay home alone.... right??

He thinks he may be home by Wednesday so I am just cleaning the house and carpets and getting everything ready for a nice homecoming.

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  1. Debbie said...

    I'm so happy for you! I can't imagine my husband having to travel. Doesn't the trash pile up terribly:)

  2. GRAMEE said...

    grumpy and i have been married 32 years and the longest we have lived apart was 2 months and we mooned for each other we were pathetic..really we could never do it for and extended period.

  3. Hccm said...

    So happy that your hubby is coming home. I would go insane if my hubby traveled for work.

  4. CMP said...

    so very happy for you! just before my daughter was born (and then almost a year after) my hubby worked in a different city about 2 hours away. i got to see him on weekends at least....
    lots of props to you!

  5. Moriah said...

    That is so great Susan! I am so happy for you I bet the boys are just over the moon happy to have dad coming back.

  6. Staci said...

    That's so wonderful! I can only imagine how excited you must be.

  7. Maria M (Conversations with Moms) said...

    Since September! Wow, you must be sooooo excited. I hope you guys have a blast. My husband is going away for 4 days next week and I'm not happy. I guess I shouldn't complain now though.

  8. Minxy Mimi said...

    Enjoy your reunion!!! Thats gotta be hard to be separated so long.

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