It's AWARD time!!!

5:11 PM Posted by Unknown

I love getting awards, because that means someone is thinking of me. I got this lovely award from Jenn @ My Kids Are My World

1) Please add the Marie Antoinette award photo on your blog
2) Place a link to the person from whom you received the award
3) nominate 7 exceptional blogs to receive the award
4) put the links to those blogs on your blog
5) leave a message on their blogs to tell them they are the chosen ones!

Here is my list of 7 great ladies and their blogs....

1) Mimi @ Minxy Mimi unplugged

2) Cena @ My M Spot

3) Toni @ A Daily Dose of Toni

4) Andrea @ Prima Crafty Momma

5) Heather @ My Quest For Sanity

6) Amy @ An Uncommon Girl With A Common Name

7) Moriah @ 1,2,3,4 I Don't Want Anymore
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  1. Minxy Mimi said...

    Thanks Susan!!! YAY

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