I can't stand it!!!

1:03 PM Posted by Unknown

I swear I am about to just give up!! So, the few of you who keep up with my blog have perhaps read about the issues I was having with my van.The fact that it is broke down and dh is working out of state and so it won't be fixed till he gets back here (whenever that is). Also even when he does fix it the problem he will fix is not going to fix the underlying issues the van has been having for over the last year now. The van is going on 13 yrs old, HELLO!!!!

Meanwhile I am borrowing my grandma's car. She does not want me borrowing it, even though she has not drove it in over a year and she lives with my parents. But she gave in to the borrowing because dh expected the kids (5 and 4yrs) and I to walk the 5 miles a day to and from preschool etc....

Dh said no to buying ANY car because he did not want payments. Well yesterday I happened to find a nice car, 2002 with only 37,000 miles on it for 2,495!! Dh said NO!! We wouldn't have payments and our insurance wouldn't go up but still NO. We have the $$ but he says "what if this happens..., or this..., or that..., or something other...." Well I say WTF??? I found the best deal in the history of deals yet we should be out hoofing it day in and day out.

I seriously HATE, HATE, HATE my life!!!

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  1. Minxy Mimi said...

    Cant you just buy it and then tell him? He sounds like a major jerk and I think you are way too good to take this.
    E-mail me if you ever want to talk.

  2. Jess @MCC said...

    OMG! What an A$$. I'd buy the car b.c you need one and then tell him he didn't give you any other choice!! 13yr old car.. NEEDS TO GO CAR HEAVEN and be at peace!!! HUGS SUSAN!

  3. Andrea said...

    I'm sorry Susan. He never seems to be on the family team, he's always off on his own doing his own thing and trying to bark orders from afar. I would not be able to live that life. You need to make some decisions for yourself and your children and make some changes or this pattern will go on the rest of your lives.

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