Psycho plant... Seriously!

12:13 PM Posted by Unknown

So A.J. brought home another plant, as all preschoolers do. You know they plant seeds and watch them grow (ha ha) in a little Styrofoam cup until they are sent home for me to kill. And yes, not matter how hard I try I will kill it, it will die even with my best efforts.

So sometime around Halloween they sent home a pumpkin plant with barely a sprig of green showing. How wonderful, here we go again. Try explaining to a 5yr old why this tiny green thing didn't grow into a freaking tree (like on cartoons ya know).

As always, I did my best and watered it, put it in the sunlight. I wait till it is truly dead before I toss it. For the sake of the kids and all.

Well this psycho pumpkin plant went to freaking town I tell ya. Look at it!!!

I am still in awe. I think the plant and I may even be friends now! As you can see it had to be transplanted from the Styrofoam cup it was in. I had someone else do that because I didn't trust myself not to kill it doing something as simple as that.

Now that it is growing I have no idea what to do with it!! I live in AZ and planting in my backyard would surely be a death sentence. I don't want to get too attached to the little guy. I would hate to have my boys see me cry over a plant when the inevitable happens.

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  1. Kristina P. said...

    I am a plant killer. It's awful. I have no adivce.

  2. Denise @ Sunflowers, Chocolate and Little Boys said...

    I have never had a houseplant in my life, so I cant help you. Sorry...I hope someone gives you some good advice.

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