My new phone!!

9:11 PM Posted by Unknown

That is what my test posts have been about. Whoo hoo and I got an awesome phone at that.

There is a story behind this phone though. It is not the one I originally got. The first one I got was the LG Dare. It was one of the touch screen kinds. At first I thought I would love it. But then I realized that the touch screen thing was not for me. So I went with what I had thought about getting, a Blackberry. And OMG this thing is so freaking awesome!!!!

Verizon will let you try out your phone for 30 days to see if you like it. So when I didn't like the other one as much as I thought I traded for this one. And since they were the same price all I had to do was swap one for one. The best part was I got a $70 rebate for Blackberry.

Here is the most awesome part (as any of you with Blackberrys will agree) I am posting this from my phone right now!

I am in love, I tell ya....


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  1. Paige said...

    Oh this is so going to happen to me--I just ordered the new Blackberry Storm-but it is on backorder for a few weeks. It is a touch screen one--what did you not like about it? I better like it as it sure cost a lot!

    I know I am going to be even worse about blogging and tweeting and facebooking now that I can do it anywhere

  2. The Head Eagle said...

    Clicked over from Blog Stalkers Unite...

    I LOVE my blackberry! Aren't they GREAT! I can't live without it!

  3. Totally_Toni said...

    I love new phones! Hooray, I am glad you love it, if I ever get tired of my iPhone (unlikely LOL) i would go with the curve too!

  4. Jess @MCC said...

    Enjoy the new phone!! I WANT ONE!! LOL

  5. Debateur said...

    Oh Ah...

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