
1:07 PM Posted by Unknown

That is what I am watching right now lol. I like this movie, as silly as it is. Even though it was filmed 18 (wow) years ago it doesn't feel dated like other movies from that time. Besides, who on earth can resist a Kevin Bacon movie?? Not me! He is good in everything he does. Oh, did I mention it takes place in AZ? Whats not to like about that either?

When my dh is around, his favorite thing is to watch what I call the "John Wayne channel" Of course there is no such channel. However, he can find a J.W movie some where on TV 24/7. I just don't get it. I keep telling him, "we didn't get a 57 inch color TV so we could watch black and white movies all day/every day". Not that there is anything wrong with black and white movies, mind you. My dad is the same way with John Wayne and black and white movies. Hey, that may be the only things my dh and my dad have in common. LMAO

I think it is time for a nap!!

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  1. Debateur said...

    I love Kevin Bacon !

  2. jenn said...

    My kids love tremors! We have an old VHS, and they watch it all the time.

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