3:00 AM Posted by Unknown

Thirteen Things about ME!!

1. I was born in Japan.
2. I grew up in Michigan.
3. I spent 7 years in the Air Force.
4. In the military I worked as a Jet Engine Mechanic.
5. I can and have driven a Semi truck (all over the U.S.)
6. I have nasty feet (no, not stinky.)
7. I have crossed the Atlantic 6 times by plane.
8. My very first "brand new" car was a 93 Ford Escort.
9. I have been married 3 times.
10. I have never had a "wedding".
11. I love true crime.
12. Since I was young I always wanted to work in forensics.
13. I honestly have no special talents.

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

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  1. Simply AnonyMom said...

    I have been married twice and never had a "wedding".
    I drove semi in the army.
    I love true crime.

    Are we sisters? lol.

    Love the list today.

  2. Andrea said...

    Quit lying Susan, you have special put up with your dh and that is a SPECIAL talent IMO. LOL Just teasing ya!

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