Post-it note hell

1:51 PM Posted by Unknown

That is where I am at. I love those stupid sticky note pads. I use them all the time. I think they are suppose to make your life easier, right? I only ask cause I think I spend most of my time looking for that stupid post-it note I wrote something on that I was suppose to remember.

It could be on my desk, with all my hundreds of other sticky notes, stuck to everything and each other. Maybe that elusive note is on my calender? Nah, that calender fell down last week from the weight of the existing sticky notes already stuck to it.

If I could just remember what color of post-it note I used? I see here I have green, yellow, orange, white, blue......

Oh forget it, I'll just write myself a new note. Now where is my ink pen again???
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  1. Minxy Mimi said...

    I have sticky notes EVERYWHERE at my desk at work! I know the feeling!

  2. Rachel said...

    That's why I avoid post-it-notes. I'd much rather forget the original topic than spend my time hunting for an elusive note, only to find it three months later stuck to an empty bag of chips.

    By the way, I LOVE your new layout!

  3. Debateur said...

    Hee Hee.. I hear ya.

  4. Jenna said...

    LOL! I do the same thing! I lost a post it note the other day and had no where it went. Steven found it...on the side of the baby wipes container...OOPS!

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