No cell phones? How did we survive?

6:30 AM Posted by Unknown

I picture my future grandchildren gasping at the fact that when I was young we didn't have cell phones.

I picture my high school years being much freer then they were. Why? Because I was that idiot girl at home waiting for that phone call from "some guy", any guy for that matter, that never came.

What did we do when someone was late coming home? Had they been in an accident? Where were they? It seems that back then, it didn't matter. So, they were late, big deal. Now though, if someone is going to be late they had better call right?

My dh and I spend at least 80% of relationship living in different states. I think the only thing that keeps it going is the cell phone. That and the Verizon in network. Having access to each other 24/7 by cell makes it feel like he is less far away then he is.

Do you remember driving all over who knows where and in any type of weather? Now days, if we run to the store a mile away on a sunny day (as opposed to a blizzard) and we happen to forget our cell we panic. This cell phone of ours has practically become another limb off our body.

I so remember life without cell phones, ha, and computers(if ya want to go there?). It is one of those things where you can't miss what you never had. So when our grandchildren are laughing at us and wondering how on earth did we survive?? We can just sit back and think, "life was so much simpler back then".

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  1. Sarah said...

    We talk about that all the time! We were at my brother-in-law's house, and told my girls we had to go soon because it was going to rain. 5 yr old: "How do you know? Did you check the computer?" Sheesh.

    And yet, I feel like a pioneer woman, because I have no dishwasher.

  2. Minxy Mimi said...

    I know Susan! I remember when cartoons were only on Saturdays too!

  3. Andrea said...

    I crack up at the fact that we had beepers. My dh had a card with his beeper no. on it to give to people. Too funny!

  4. tcalamity said...

    My kids think I'm so old, when I tell them things like, cartoons on saturday,no mobile phones, no dishwashers ect ect...although I still don't have a dishwasher....

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