Working out and health

6:00 AM Posted by Unknown

Do you like to work out? I hate it, but after I do it I like how I feel. It is just getting to the point of committing to put in that tape/dvd or joining a gym I have problems with.

I would like to join a gym but I worry I wouldn't use it. When I was working it was great. I would stop on the way home and it would be no problem. But as a SAHM I just mostly hang out at home with the kids and I am too lazy to actually leave the house "just" to work out.

I have some dvds I love to work out to at home but with three boys who has time? It is hard to work out when I am having 20 requests or questions thrown my way when I am trying to follow an exercise routine. Of course if I did work out at home I could always do it at like 4:00am or 11:00pm, before they get up or after they are asleep (NOT!!).

Ok, you caught me, I admit it, I am just LAZY!!! But realistically I am not getting any younger. I will be 41 in a few weeks now and I think I need to keep my physical health up to par.

I also need to eat better. I will usually eat real good for a few months or more then eat bad for a few months and go back and forth. My cycles of eating almost follows a pattern, perhaps even a seasonal pattern. Crazy as it may seem my lowest wt during the year is usually around Christmas time, go figure.

Regardless of what I do, the point it is I need to just get up off my behind and do it!! Anyone wanna be my work out partner?
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  1. mrsbear said...

    I'm actually really bad at maintaining an at home work out routine. I used to go to the gym also when I was a working mom but since staying at home, I rarely muster the motivation to pop in a video or start a strength building routine. It sucks.

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