12:29 AM Posted by Unknown

(click pic to enlarge)

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  1. Simply AnonyMom said...

    Very nice. You are really getting the hang of that proram.

  2. Totally_Toni said...

    That looks great susan, I tried and gave up on it LOL. Happy WW

  3. Minxy Mimi said...

    Thats so cool Susan!!!

    They are so cute and I like the way they are all looking at each other and not the camera.

  4. Debateur said...

    That's a great picture and you are so talented with the graphics software.

  5. Rachel said...

    You are getting so good with GIMP! Love the picture.

  6. mrsbear0309 said...

    That's a great shot, I love what you did with it.

  7. Leah said...

    Very cool!!!

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