Stupid and dangerous

5:52 PM Posted by Unknown

That is exactly what I was today. I am an excellent driver. I have never gotten a ticket and even have my Class A commercial drivers license. I am very attentive and safe. However some days it is harder then others with my kids back seat driving and alas I have posted about this before.

So today I was looking for a particular place. I had to drop off some paper work to get A.J. into school. I am new here and really haven't been out much. When I lived here before I lived on the other side of town. I was driving around and couldn't find the place so I start entering info into my phone GPS while sitting at a red light. I finished entering the info and was waiting for it to load with my head down looking at it. Out of the corner of my eye I see the car on my left start to drive forward, I look up and see green. I got to the middle of the intersection before I realize the green was not for me and what was green was the left turn only arrow light. Here I am driving through the intersection with a completely red light for my lane. I was utterly mortified. I had all three kids in the car. Someone just give me a heart attack and a reality check.
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  1. Leah said...

    It happens.

    I one time turned in front of a car and almost got hit. I too have never had a ticket, etc. It was like a brain fart moment.

  2. Lisa@BlessedwithGrace said...

    Oh my goodness. How scary. I guess you are okay, because you did not post about the traffic accident or jail term you were given. ha ha. Found you on MBC. I like to look of your site.

  3. Minxy Mimi said...

    UGH... Ive driven thru a red light before just goin along... this is just a wake up call to be more aware. Glad you guys are OK

  4. Kim @ What's That Smell? said...

    I'm glad nothing happened except to scre the you-know-what out of you!!!

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