The kids are driving me crazy

9:27 PM Posted by Unknown

I am going to lose my mind I swear. I would rather live in the RV then this house cause that would mean dh would be home every evening. The kids don't listen to me at all! Dh has to only give them a look and they do what they are told.

They can be somewhat decent all day but I swear about an hour before bedtime they turn into raving, hyper monsters. Then to try and get them to bed (on time) is nearly impossible. Then I am getting mad at them and they all have some excuse why they aren't in bed yet (have to potty, need a drink, can't find their blanket, blah, blah...) I seriously want to strangle them by then.

During the day they can drive me just as crazy. If they want something and I say no or not now, you can bet they will be nagging/whining about it for the next 12 hours.

I am rambling I know and I am stressed these days.

Lets drink, (a lot, lol) to kids!!
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  1. Sarah said...

    I've just been following your blog for a week or so -- but I had to say: I swear my children do not even hear my voice. They hear Daddy instantly. Sometimes they ignore me, but most of the time they don't even realize I've spoken. Or spoken loudly. Or louder. NOT UNTIL I REALLY YELL. I hate feeling like Commando Mom.

  2. mrsbear said...

    You're not alone. My kids run circles around me sometimes. Most of the time my voice is like soothing background music to them, they just disregard me. But as soon as Dad raises his voice, they start scurrying like ants. For some reason bed time is the worst. Something that should 15 minutes takes 30, something that should take them 30 takes a whole hour.

    Hang in there.

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