I am never telling dh anything!

8:41 PM Posted by Unknown

I really should know better. However being as he is my dh and my best friend, when I vent, I tend to vent to him first. That is about to change though because he is stressing me out.

First thing that happened was the whole preschool stuff that was going on. I had called A.J.'s preschool 5 times over a week and they just weren't returning my calls. Dh said I needed to do this and that and drive down there and call the dept of education and if that didn't work he would call the governor. (WTF???) He said the governor because the program is state run for IEP kids, etc... He implied that obviously I was not doing enough to get through to someone.

The next thing that happened was yesterday. I have a bank acct that I only keep money in for a few things that automatically come out of the acct for a few certain bills. Anyway I had $22 in the acct so I went and used $20 of it.

Meanwhile Cox internet which I canceled last month and had already received their last bill (for the $3.00 I owed)took a payment (that I didn't owe) of $44.00 out of my acct. So since that was more then the $22 in my acct it assessed a $35.00 overdraft fee. The the $20 I used cleared and it assessed another $35.00 fee. I was PISSED. Cox totally screwed up my acct and when I called they said, oh gee sorry but there is nothing we can do. It would take 4-6 weeks for me to get a check for the money they took that they owed me. I did call the bank however and they did reverse the $70.00 in overdraft fees. So I call dh and he comes unglued (as he usually does). He demanded I call Cox back and tell them they will give me my money back NOW and that waiting 4-6 weeks was unacceptable. He went on and on how I was not doing anything about their "stealing" money from our acct and on and on and on..... Just going off on me because I couldn't get Cox to do what "he" thought would be the "only" resolution to the problem.

Why didn't dh call Cox you ask?? Because he is the big jerk but makes me do all the phone calls and communication as if he can't be bothered with such things. Well he was on the road driving to Washington state at the time also, but still.

After calling Cox three different times and getting their same answers I finally had to talk to a supervisor and have her call dh so he could bitch and moan to his hearts content.

I am finished!! I am not telling dh anything anymore. I am not one for confrontation, but dh is all about going off on someone for a perceived wrong. Next time I keep my venting to myself. He stresses me out way too much.
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  1. Debateur said...

    Isn't it frustrating when others think they can do things better than you can. It's almost like they jump in without getting the whole story sometimes. I hope you get both issues sorted out quickly.

  2. Elle said...

    I know just what you mean. They're great for telling you who to call and what to say, but they never want to do it themselves. I hate that!

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