Here we go again

12:17 AM Posted by Unknown

What a week it has been. Obviously living in a house takes up more of my time then an RV, hence the serious lack of blogging. Does that mean I will never be living in an RV again? No, it does not. According to dh it is just on hold till next summer when the kids are out of school and we (dh that is) buys a new RV.

Here is what is going on. Dh is headed for Washington state next weekend to hopefully get a job there. There is a phase of a job manning up that will be overtime and last till in to December. So, I won't see dh till around Christmas time. If that all works out he will then head back to Vegas to be there the day after Christmas to sign the book for "show calls". Show calls are one to two week jobs, but are all overtime and excellent money. When you end work on one you just take the next show call out. It can be a few months of good work.

It has been busy here. Packing, moving, unpacking, setting up my room here and so forth. Visiting with my family and all the things that go along with that.

I will try to be better on my blogging. I even missed Wordless Wednesday, I am ashamed...

Oh, and dh came from Vegas this weekend. Well actually he got here mid morning Saturday and left just after midnight. He was only here for barely over twelve hours but it was better then nothing I guess. He has a lot to do to get ready to leave for Washington next weekend. The boys are really gonna miss him and he is going to miss the boys tons too.

It's been crazy here and I would just like things to be semi normal for a change (HA! as if).
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  1. Andrea said...

    I hope things can settle into a normal routine for you for a while. That's a lot of change nad stuff for all of you in such a short time.

  2. Debateur said...

    Wow that's going to be rough being without your DH for so long. You're a stronger woman than I am.

  3. Minxy Mimi said...

    I am very sorry. I wish your hubby could do something more stable, or at least in one spot. Thats so hard for the boys and daddy.

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