10:32 PM Posted by Unknown


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  1. Kim @ What's That Smell? said...

    What a cutie! An that "who me?" look...priceless.

    I posted a high chair picture too!

  2. orient-lodge.com said...

    Well, my youngest daughter is six, so I'm through with the high chair pictures.

    However, I remember the time well. We used to talk about the total food experience.

  3. Leah said...

    I too posted a highchair picture!

    What a cutie pie! I love that look..."I didn't do anything"

  4. Alicia said...

    uh oh!

    too darn cute!

  5. Jess @MCC said...

    OH Susan that is precious.

  6. Keep It Classy, Jen said...

    I love the model pose!! Too cute!!

  7. Andrea said...

    Adorable! Look how little he was!

  8. mrsbear0309 said...

    That's one satisfied baby.

  9. AJ @ A Little Bit Nutty said...

    I the look on his face! Very cute!

  10. MMJ said...

    LOL...we have the same signature! I just haven't posted yet to use mine. Same style, slant and color! Great minds think alike.

    He's too cute!!

  11. Cascia said...

    Very cute picture! Precious. Happy WW!

    Cascia @ Healthy Moms

  12. Heather B. said...

    oh now that is just to sweet!

  13. Minxy Mimi said...

    So cute!!! Love the innocent look!

  14. Sheena @ Mommy Daddy Blog said...

    Looks like someone had a delicious meal!

    I know I'm late but I am doing some blog hopping and I wanted to let you know I was here!

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