New crafts

9:19 PM Posted by Unknown

I have been trying to come up with "something" in the craft department. I sew, make jewelry, make soap and various other things now and again. But I was looking for a potential "seller" that was semi uncomplicated and didn't take major hours to complete but was cute and would perhaps appeal to people. Not to mention, living in an RV does not give me the luxury of space for the bigger projects.

Any way this is what I did tonight. These are just templates, so to speak. They are canvas tote bags and I have six colors but I made only three tonight. Any opinions would be great. TIA

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  1. Kim @ What's That Smell? said...

    They are very cute!
    I like them all but I like the cutie one the best!

  2. Minxy Mimi said...

    I love them! They are just my style, and I would buy them for the beach and my kids stuff!

  3. Karen of Sillymonkeez said...

    Really love the brown one and I think the pink one is adorable. The green one is not my style personally, but it's fun. I'm not sure of the dimensions of these, but maybe you could consider making smaller ones too for purses or for little girls? If you sold matching ones for mommies and daughters I bet they would sell, plus it is a guaranteed multiple item sale. ;P I am very impressed with these!

  4. AJ @ A Little Bit Nutty said...

    I really like the brown one. You did a great job!

  5. mrsbear0309 said...

    Those are pretty. All three of them.

  6. Susan said...

    Thank you ladies for your comments.

    The dimensions are 13.5" x 13.5"

  7. Tina said...

    Those are very nice. I love the brown one, keep up the good work!

  8. Jess @MCC said...

    those r cute!! Keep up the great work.

  9. Jess @MCC said...

    u got anything purple??

  10. Jess @MCC said...

    You're welcome groovy. :)

  11. Leah said...

    I love the green one!

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