Love Starbucks??

4:16 PM Posted by Unknown

Well then I have a contest for you!! Over at Diaries of a Domestic Goddess there is a $10 Starbucks gift card up for grabs. Who doesn't love Starbucks? Check it out, you don't want to miss this!
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  1. Leah said...

    Thank you thank you!

  2. Andrea said...

    Good luck! I heard Toni has her eye on this one too!

  3. Ribeezie said...

    I worked at Starbucks many, many years ago... That's where my addiction to caffeine originated! G'luck on the contest :-p

  4. AJ @ A Little Bit Nutty said...

    You know I have never actually been to Starbucks. I do love a good cup of joe though. Good Luck!

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