I hate the Dentist!

4:55 PM Posted by Unknown

I guess I should say I hate "going" to the dentist. I don't mind my dentist at all, as a person anyway. I have teeth issues and always have. I take good care of them but it is just in my genes for my teeth to be a problem. Within the past year or two they have really gone down hill. Last fall I went to a dentist that said I needed $10,000 worth of work (I don't think so). So I started going to the dental school in Mesa, AZ. They are good and I like my dental student that is assigned to my case. Of course I have since moved to Vegas, but decided I didn't feel like starting over at the school in NV. Therefore I come to AZ for my appointments. It isn't bad really because with my dental student's schedule sometimes it is four to six or even more weeks between appointments. I just take a long weekend and bring the kids to see grandma and have my appointment. Oh, and the beat part is the dental school is about half the cost of a regular dentist. I can get everything I need done at the school for $3,900. Still a chunk of money, but more realistic in my world.

Yesterday was one of my appointments. It was a fun one too (NOT). I had to get a fractured tooth extracted. So now my face is semi swollen and I have a semi toothless grin lol. You really can't tell unless I smile really, really big so I am not looking too red neck, thank God. Nothing like missing a tooth AND living in a trailer (um, RV that is). My attempt at humor must be lacking due to my Vicoden intake. la la dee da....
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  1. Leah said...

    ugh I can't stand going to the dentist either. I literally freak out. We're talking sweating, racing heart, etc.

  2. Jess @MCC said...

    I usually don't mind them, but this last visit was with someone I never knew so I was a bit skeptical.

    either way, I know when I need to go back b.c I start getting annoyed with the boys and then my neck and back start to hurt.

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