I'll be tripping

2:14 PM Posted by Unknown

That is, I'll be heading to AZ tomorrow. Alex has been at his dad's in Florida since late May and he flys back Saturday. Of course when I scheduled the flight we were still living in AZ. It will give Alex and the boys a chance to spend a week with Grandma and Grandpa before we head back here so that is good.

I am not looking forward to the drive however. As of right now the blower fan on my van is broken so I have no A/C. Ok, it is 105 here today and 103 in AZ. I don't anticipate the temp will drastically drop by tomorrow, grrrr. That means I need to leave very, very early in the morning so I can beat the heat. Dh is going to look at the blower tonight though to see if he can get it to work or if it is totally shot. Honestly I am not holding my breath. Also dh has to put antifreeze in my radiator. Right now it only has water in it and driving here the van kept "almost" over heating going up the mountains. My van has other issues too and the last thing I want to happen is to have it beak down in the middle of God knows where with the kids with me. Tell ya what, I am taking plenty of ice and drinks just to be sure.

This may be a tough trip for all of us. I know my mom are going to be at odds during this visit. She thinks Alex should stay at my sister's house and go to school there and not come to Vegas. I think, he is my son and should be where I am at. So she is going to put on the big guilt trip and make me feel like shit for my decisions. Alex is going to fight me all the way too since he would rather stay at my sister's place then come here and live in an "RV".

I know, I am 40 and this is my family but I still care about what my parents think. I just need to stand by mine and dh's decision to live this life the way we want and hope for the best after that. I will be sure to blog all my family adventures while I am there. Hopefull my sanity will stay somewhat intact.

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  1. Andrea said...

    Man Susan! Things are so crazy for you right now. I hope you have a safe trip there and back and not too much trouble with your mom and son.

  2. Minxy Mimi said...

    Be careful Susan... I hope it goes smoothly.

    Hey, I nominated you for a blog award... check my blog out~

  3. Lindsay said...

    Hi Susan,
    Thanks for your comment on my blog! I used to live in Phoenix, and my AC was always on the fritz. NOT fun. Good luck!

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