And the nominee is.....

11:34 AM Posted by Unknown

Me!! Wow, how cool is that to be nominated by Mimi!!! I just love to be involved in things like this. It means someone is thinking of me. Don't forget to visit Mimi blog.
Now on to the rules.....

Once an award is received, the rules are as follows:

1. Put the logo on your blog.
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3. Nominate at least seven other blogs.
4. Add links to those blogs on your blog.
5. Leave a message for your nominee on their blog.

On to my nominees....

Miles away in France

Sisters Elle and Stacy






These are all awesome ladies with wonderful blogs, each as different as they are.

Enjoy ladies!!
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  1. Elle and Stacy said...

    Cool, thanks Susan. It's our first time being nominated for anything!

  2. Racheal Miles said...

    oh lovely, thank you so much for nominating me, I am really pleased.

    Racheal x

  3. Jess @MCC said...

    congrats on the Award!!

  4. Rachel said...

    Thanks, Susan -- My very first nomination/award!!


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