Dole Magic

6:59 AM Posted by Unknown

Mmmmmmmm, Dole fruit. I have always loved Dole fruit.  My kids love it, and even better,  it's good for them too.

DOLE Fruit Facts
Did you know by serving your kids pineapple you are providing them with an excellent source of vitamin C? Here are 5 more tips about fun and healthy snacking from the DOLE Nutrition Institute.

* For children who love to eat, let them eat their fill of DOLE Jarred Fruit, limiting only higher calorie foods.
* Fruit combats childhood obesity. Studies at Tufts and Baylor Universities link high fruit and vegetable consumption with lower childhood body mass indices (BMIs). Unlike junk food, which is high in calories and low in nutrients, fruit and veggies are low in calories but high in fiber, water and nutrients. Filling kids up with DOLE Jarred Fruit while meeting nutrient needs will make them feel more satisfied with fewer calories.
* Be creative with presentation. Give young children cut DOLE Jarred fruits and let them create funny faces or animals.
* If your child eats only a little dinner and then complains of hunger at bedtime, offer a piece of DOLE Jarred fruit as a tasty and healthy solution.
* Studies show that adequate vitamin C intake may help maintain a strong immune system. A food that is a “rich” in vitamin C contains at least 12 milligrams of vitamin C per serving.

Also when you purchase Dole Jarred fruit it comes with a few yummy recipes to try.  I made some Tropical Coconut Bites.  They are super easy to make (as is all their recipes) and very yummy.  My entire family loved them and were seriously bummed when they were gone.  I just made them this weekend and already my kids are itching for me to make some more.  I am thinking they will get their wish!!

Tropical Coconut Bites

Don't they look yummy?

At you can find tips, hints and recipes on how families can incorporate more fruit every day as a part of healthy, fun diet. There you can also enter for a chance to win a trip for four to Maui, Hawaii for six nights with a 4-star hotel, rental car and $1,000 of spending money! Sixty daily prizes, 8 weekly prizes and 1 grand prize winner. Every time you log on you will have the chance to win a daily prize!

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